Kyrgyz Republic has its IP system since 1993 and the competent authority for it, is a State Service of IP and Innovation under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzpatent). The country is a member of 70 multilateral international agreements in the area of IP, that are Paris and Berne Conventions, Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration Marks, Patent Cooperation Treaty, TRIPS, Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademark and others. After the collapse in 1991, production of textiles haven’t recovered fully. The need in huge investment in capital in this area and high competition of lower priced textiles from China did not allow the country to recover its textile industry after KR gained its independence and pursued a market economy. Thus, textiles and thread are now mainly supplied by importers, mainly from China. Despite the dying textile industry in Kyrgyzstan, the production of garment has been increasing for the past decade. While small portion of garme...